This was the first of the videos I had to make for the class and it involved making food in some way. The requirement for this video was there had to be a starting point (before cooking), the end result (after cooking), and it had to be 30 seconds long

A Lesson that I Learned while filming this video was to make sure that the battery in the camera you are using is charged before filming. I had to rush the filming of this video a bit due to filming on a dying battery.
A lesson that I learned from making this video was how a tone that you a trying to convey may not always come across correctly to someone watching. This video was intended to be a happy, feel-good video, but was received by some as a sad "in memory of" type video thinking that someone in the video of something (the dog) died.

One of the next videos I had to make for the class was making a video that involved music in some way. Even though the assignment was labeled as "music Video" it was creating a video that involved music. The requirements of the video were everyone had to make a video to the same song, it had to be in black and white, there had to be at least one shot that emphasized light, and the video had to be 90 seconds long.

This video here was called the quick capture video which had the intent of creating a video that was based on one keyword. Out of the list of Keywords, The one that I chose was boredom. The requirement for this video was to have at least one for all the requiring shots (and to be 90 seconds long): One wide shot, medium shot, close up, extreme close up, zoom, pan, and rack focus shot. 

Out of all the videos I made for the class, this was probably my favorite end product that I ended up making for this class. There were some experiences while working in a group that was more fun than working alone, but I really love how this video turned out. A lesson that I took away from making this video was that recording in a higher resolution and editing in a lower resolution will make for better digital zooms in videos.
A lesson that I learned from this video was that when working with a group of people it is okay to not stress to do everything, in this case, all the editing, and instead do some while other team members can do the other parts. The video presented is not the final version, but this version was all edited by me.

This video was the first assignment that was done with a team and the idea was to create a commercial to promote something. This unfortunately is not the end product but all that was added after was a few editing adjustments and background music. For being the first project done In a group The requirements for this video were laid back with the main focus being splitting up the work between everyone and the video being 45 seconds long.

This video was the next one to be made with a group teaching everyone how to properly set up and make an interview video. This was easier for me due to how many interviews I had to create already (click the Youtube link in the top right to see more) So I ended up being the sole editor for the project. The requirements for this assignment were it needed to be lit by a 3-point lighting system, graphics needed to be created to title people in the video, there needed to be B-role shots in between cuts, and the video needed to be between 1:45 ~ 2:30.

One major takeaway that I had from working on this video was how to not be formulaic. This was the feedback I received after finishing the assignment and I understand why it happened. while working on this project I was also simultaneously working on other interview projects (check out the YouTube link above) and had fallen into using the same formula of talking then B-role then more talking then more B-role instead of mixing it up a little.
This was definitely a more fun experience I had making videos for this class especially since we were able to use a more professional set while filming. Something I learned was how to move past mistakes and learn from them moving forward. for example the audio from the filming we did got corrupted and we had to use back audio to make a product. This is why you will hear ringing throughout the video. It is Unfortunate, but something I won't forget moving forward.

This was the last video to be made for this class: the shot film. This video was also created by a group of people with the intent to combine everything that was learned before. The requirements for this assignment were that it had to be scripted and storyboarded before filming, if you weren't filming outside then it had to have 3-point lighting, and had to be 3 ~ 5 minutes long.

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