This is video is an extension of my day in the life video. I decided I wanted to take a darker approach to the monotony of everyday life with a large inspiration coming from Jacksepticeye's "15 months" video on Youtube. I tried to improve upon every aspect that goes into film making, especially sound design.

Link for reference:

I made a project before called "Boredom" and I realized that for one of my projects in another class it had the same criteria. So I wanted to test myself and see if I could do the same concept and improve upon it with the new techniques that I have learned since then. So here is "Boredom: The Sequel"

This video was extremely fun to make. I was given the opportunity to shadow a professional videographer during a college basketball game and learn what they do out in the field. SO not only is this video comprised as B-Role, but I also got to interview John Sall, the Videographer and ask him questions directly

One of my classes required us to make a still photo series and try to tell a story by only including pictures. I decided to add a little bit more than and add transitions to videos from the pictures. I thought it would make it look more visually appealing. Overall, a simple project, but one I am still proud of

In a sound design class that I took while at Bradley I was tasked with taking a scene from a movie and redoing all of its audio with different sound bites that I could find. So I took Charlie Chaplin's 1922 movie "the Kid", a silent era movie, and tried to put in sounds that it never had before

While taking a podcasting class, our final project was making a full podcast episode in a group of four people. This is a teaser I made for it and if the file was smaller I would put the entire podcast here as well

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