
During the early stages of our game, the very beginning, we as a team were trying to figure what direction our game was going to go. I saw that there was a lot of back and forth in terms of discussion so I went out and in unity, with some of my film editing skills, made a video trying to visualize what was only being said in words to see if "this" was what everyone was thinking.

As we continued to develop the concepts of our game we started having more discussions on what the gameplay loop of the game will be. Once again, there was a lot of back and forth pertaining what the gameplay loop should be. So I took one of the threads that was being pulled on and made a video to once again try and visualize what everyone was saying to see if everyone agreed.

Now that we have nailed down a gameplay loop, we needed to figure out how every step the player takes was going to look like. These steps would include but not be limited to: How the player receives what we call a "mission", after receiving said mission what do they do, and then finally after the player has completed the mission what do they do next?

This video is another iteration of one of our concepts and it is trying to further explore the idea of how in depth the player's ship was going to be. Then depending on how in depth the ship is will determine other factors of gameplay such as how the player will receive a mission and how they interact with a NPC.

First Mission

This is the first level that was created in our game and I was responsible for the level design. Using Greybox materials, I designed the system of tunnels, obstacles within said tunnels, and the segment leading up to the mission. While later additions were made not by me, I was the person supervising any additions that were added.

Full game After 1 semester of working
Concepting out different puzzles and what will be in each path during the first mission

When tasked with concepting different puzzles this is what I did

That is my handwriting and drawings on the board

From the actual Game

after one full semester of working, this is what the game looked like fully. After going through the portal is where the bulk of my work can be seen. (Also sorry there is no sound, we had some bugs that can get annoying to listen to)

While I did not make the art, I was one of the main people deciding where all the art went within the scene

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